What are penis envy mushrooms?

What are Penis Envy Mushrooms?:Everything You Need to Know

As the name suggests, penis envy mushrooms resemble a human penis. They have a swollen, rounded cap and thick stem. These mushrooms are a particularly potent variety of Psilocybe cubensis, a species of magic mushrooms.

There are several penis envy varieties, including:

  • Albino penis envy: a slightly smaller mushroom with a deep blue–tinged cap
  • Penis envy uncut: an albino cross with caps that adhere to the stem
  • Penis envy number 6: a hybrid that produces more spores
  • Trans penis envy: a hybrid with finer stems and a milder effect than other varieties

These mushrooms contain high concentrationsTrusted Source of the psychedelic compound psilocybin. As a result, people report that consuming these mushrooms produces intense visual and euphoric psychedelic experiences.

As these mushrooms take longer to mature and do not produce many spores, they are difficult to find and cultivate. This means they may be more expensive and harder to source than other varieties of magic mushrooms.

Penis Envy Mushroom History

The history of the Penis Envy mushroom is probably one of the most talked about, but often confused, origin stories of all of the varieties of Psilocybe cubensis. For many years, the go-to article for explaining how Penis Envy emerged was published in Vice in 2009, by journalist-turned-psychedelic-scientist Hamilton Morris. However, in a podcast published on Morris’ own Patreon in June 2021, he admits to having been deliberately misled by the infamous mycologist John Allen (aka Mushroom John, of Psilocybe allenii fame), along with much hearsay found on various fungal forums. 

Morris’ close-to-the-truth story from 2009 is a blend of a range of cult figures and folklore from the mushroom community and roughly proceeds as follows: In the early 1970s, Terrence Mckenna found a huge wild patch of Psilocybe cubensis growing deep in the Columbian Amazon. Though magic mushrooms had recently been made illegal, the spores were not (as is the case in most US states today), so Terrence took several spore prints back to his home in Colorado. One of these prints found its way to Steven Pollock, the medical doctor turned psychedelic mushroom enthusiast, who spent several years isolating the mushrooms to produce the Penis Envy variety—before Pollock’s mysterious murder in 1981.

In more fanciful versions of the tale, Pollock was claimed to be found dead with a Penis Envy mushroom clutched in his hand. A single spore print from Pollock’s phallic experiments (labeled only “penis”) found their way to Rich Gee a Washington-based mycologist, who kept the variety alive, but was ultimately impossible for Morris to track down. And so the story ends, with Pollock receiving credit and Rich Gee merely the caretaker of the variety.

Penis envy mushroom effects

While the effects of magic mushrooms vary depending on the person and dose, they typically produce feelings of euphoria, well-being, and increased creativity. Some people also report experiencing visual or auditory hallucinations.

In some cases, magic mushrooms can induce spiritual experiences and heightened states of consciousness.

For certain people, these effects are deeply meaningful and provide a sense of peace and understanding. For others, they are overwhelming or scary.

When someone consumes psychedelic mushrooms, the psilocybin binds to 5-HT2A serotonin receptors on the surface of nerve cells. Serotonin is the “feel good” chemical that helps regulate mood, thinking ability, perception, and sleep.

Therefore, when psilocybin binds to serotonin receptors, it affects how information flows between different brain regions. This results in changes in consciousness and perception.

These changes can be positive or negative depending on the person’s mindset, expectations, and environment.

Penis envy mushroom effects Vs. other psychedelic mushrooms

There are more than 100 speciesTrusted Source of mushrooms of the genus Psilocybe that produce psilocybin. They are found all over the world.

While all these mushrooms share similar psychedelic effects, each variety produces distinctive experiences depending on its potency, chemistry, and concentration of active metabolites.

Experts classify the effects of psilocybin into four categories:

  • Perceptual: Visual and auditory hallucinations and changes in the perception of time, space, and body are common effects of psilocybin mushrooms.
  • Cognitive: Alterations in thinking and information processing may make people feel creative and insightful or confused and disorientated.
  • Emotional: Positive emotions may include feelings of euphoria, well-being, love, and connectedness. Conversely, negative emotions such as fear, anxiety, or paranoia may affect a person’s trip.
  • Ego dissolution: This refers to a sense of self-transcendence or self-forgetfulness. It can cause a feeling of oneness with the universe or a loss of the sense of individuality.

A person’s mindset, metabolism, body composition, and tolerance level affect their experience. It can be incredibly varied from person to person.

People also have distinct reactions to different types of mushrooms. Some people find that the effects of Psilocybe cubensis are more visual and euphoric, while others find them more introspective and spiritual.

How to use them safely

If someone chooses to use magic mushrooms, it is important to do so safely. There are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Start with a low dose: It is always best to start with a low dose and increase gradually as desired. This allows time to gauge tolerance level, reducing the risk of negative experiences.
  • Be in a safe environment: Because magic mushrooms can cause changes in perception, it is important to be in a safe and comfortable environment. If a person is in an unfamiliar setting, they could get lost, hurt, or have a bad trip.
  • Avoid mixing with other substances: Mixing magic mushrooms with other drugs, alcohol, or medications can be harmful. Psilocybin can interact with other substances in unpredictable ways and magnify their effects.
  • Know the source: When buying magic mushrooms, it is crucial to source them from a reliable supplier. Some mushroom species can look similar but have different or even dangerous effects.
  • Have a positive mindset: Magic mushrooms can amplify emotions. Therefore, if someone is feeling anxious or depressed, it could trigger a bad trip.
  • Have a “trip sitter”: This person remains sober and can provide calm and reassuring support if someone needs help while taking mushrooms.

Risks and side effects

Taking psilocybin can trigger persistent disturbing changes in perceptions, feelings, and moods. It can also cause temporary hallucinations, visual flashbacks, and short-term changes in thinking and emotion.

As a result, people can develop anxiety and paranoia.

Sometimes, a person can have flashbacks long after the substance’s effects have worn off. Stressfatigue, or other environmental factors can trigger these flashbacks. Physicians now diagnose this rare condition as hallucinogen-persisting perception disorder.

When taking mushrooms, there is also a risk of mistakenly consuming poisonous varieties. A person should visit an emergency room immediately if they have symptoms of mushroom poisoning, such as:


Like other psilocybin-containing mushrooms, penis envy mushrooms are not legal in the United States. They are classified as Schedule I substances under the Controlled Substances Act, along with lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) and cannabis.

The law considers that substances in this category have no currently accepted medical use and a high potential for misuse.

However, some experts argue that the law has not yet caught up with the science. Both animal and human studies indicate that psilocybin mushrooms have low misuse and no physical dependence prospect. Furthermore, research into psychedelics has shown therapeutic potential for these substances.

It is possible that in the future, the legal status of penis envy mushrooms may change as more research is conducted on their safety and effectiveness.

Several U.S. cities have decriminalized psilocybin. In 2019, Denver, Colorado, became the first city to take this historic step. Others have followed suit, including Oakland, California; Washington, D.C.; and Cambridge, Massachusetts.

In 2022, Colorado voted to decriminalize magic mushrooms statewide for people over 21. This will take effect in 2024.

Furthermore, in 2020, Oregon legalized supervised psilocybin-assisted therapy programs in controlled settings. These moves may pave the way for further research into the therapeutic potential of psilocybin and similar psychedelics.

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